20. Trigger Warning Romance Update! (Full Post)

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Next week’s book: Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

Hello Trigger Tribe! We’re sorry that we’ve been absent. Unfortunately Tori caught COVID and was under the weather for a little while, so we had to put her health before the podcast. Thankfully she’s on the mend and we’ve had time to plan a lot of fun episodes for you guys and gals just in time for Spook-Tober! We’ve also decided to start a Patreon –  officially launching on October 3rd! You DON’T have to join to continue streaming the podcast, however if you decide to join one of the three tiers you’ll get access to our exclusive Discord Channel, on air shout outs, bonus episodes and access to watch us record live! We appreciate your patience and support and we can’t wait to be back with Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton on October 3rd! 

Titles mentioned:

Den of Vipers  – K.A. Knight 
Squeak – Vera Valentine

Assorted random other mentions:

Corvin King:@corvin.king on Instagram and TikTok 
Corvin King on Audible

Intro and Outro music:

We Ascend Instrumental by Michael Briguglio